****************************************** Hi ALL All fixtures are now confirmed Monday, January 27th. ******************************************

Bye-Laws as at December 2015 Amended December 2018

1. The name of the Association shall be THE HALIFAX AND DISTRICT BOWLING ASSOCIATION.

2. The objects of the Association shall be to promote, organise and govern Crown Green Bowling in the Halifax and District .

3. The Association shall be governed by a Council, which will be made up with a President, Past Presidents, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Website Administrator, Competition Secretary, Safeguarding Officer and any assistant to those positions. Two delegates from clubs within the Association and also two delegates from the affiliated districts of Hebden Royd, Sowerby Bridge, Elland, Halifax & District Bowling League and the Halifax Ladies

4. Voting shall be restricted to two representatives from each club in membership, who must be in attendance at the meeting.

5. The Council shall elect at the Annual General Meeting a Management Committee consisting of the President and Deputy President, who shall be elected bi-annually and serve at least two years; the Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be elected bi-annually and serve at least two years; the Assistant and/or Competitions Secretary; two delegates from the Halifax District (the Halifax District to be defined as Clubs within the boundaries of the Halifax Borough as existing in 1972) and other Clubs who are members of this Association. Two delegates from the following affiliated districts: - Hebden Bridge, Sowerby Bridge, Elland, Halifax and District Bowling League and the Halifax Ladies shall be elected annually by the said districts and appointed by them to the Management Committee. An Auditor shall be elected at this meeting

6. The ANNUAL MEETING of members shall be held in NOVEMBER/DECEMBER each year, at which the Association’s accounts shall be presented by the Treasurer, and the members of the Management Committee elected.

7. The Accounts of the Association shall be audited annually and copies of the accounts signed by the Auditors shall be sent to each club in membership not less than seven days before the annual meeting, at which the Treasurer shall present the Accounts for adoption and the Auditors shall report on the financial position of the Association.

8. Amendments or alterations to Bye-Laws and Competition Rules shall only be dealt with at the Annual Meeting, and notice of any proposed amendments or alterations shall be in writing and sent to the Secretary not less than 14 days before the Annual Meeting.

9. None of the Bye-Laws and Competition Rules shall be amended, rescinded or added to without a majority of two thirds of the votes cast.

10. A further HALF-YEARLY MEETING of members shall be held in FEBRUARY/MARCH each year for the consideration of the season’s fixtures and any other business, notice of which has been given to the Secretary; but excluding Rule 8 business.

11. The Secretary shall convene a Special General Meeting of members at any time, on receiving a requisition in writing to that effect, signed by the Secretaries of not less than five clubs in membership.

12. The ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION FEE and all Competition Fees shall be fixed at the ANNUAL MEETING and shall be paid before the FEBRUARY/MARCH MEETING.

13. Each club shall be furnished with a copy of the Bye-Laws and Competition Rules and be bound thereby.

14. An enquiry into suspected breach of any Bye-Law or Competition Rule by any club, district or individual player may be instituted by the Management Committee either at its discretion or at the request of a club, district or individual player, who may lodge a complaint in writing to the Secretary.


16. ALL CLUBS MUST BE REPRESENTED AT EACH MEETING. A FINE OF £5 WILL BE MADE FOR EACH MEETING MISSED. 17. Should any dispute arise which is not provided for in these bye-laws, the Management Committee shall have power to deal with same and its decision shall be final.