All League Fixtures are Live. Do not print or produce your own club calendar until All fixtures are confirmed on Monday, January 27th.

Halifax League Rules

 1. The name of the Association shall be the Halifax and District Amateur Bowling League.
2. The object of the league shall be to promote and organise the sport of Crown Green Bowling for all members of clubs in Halifax and District who have been admitted to membership. Clubs shall be admitted to the League at the discretion of the Management Committee provided that they are a member of or have applied for membership of Yorkshire Crown Green Bowling Association.
3. The League shall be governed by the Management Committee which shall consist of the President, a Deputy President, League Secretary and an Assistant, Treasurer, Competition Secretary, and eight representatives from the district.
4. Past Presidents shall be considered ex-officio members.
5. At Management meetings five members shall constitute a quorum, three of which must be representatives.
6. The committee shall at any time it deems necessary, delegate any business to a Sub-Committee of the Management Committee.
7. Any Club may enter more than one team for League Bowling. The conditions of membership shall be the payment of an annual subscription for each team and any levies, which shall be decided annually at a General Meeting.
8. The League shall organise bowling for male members of Clubs in membership.
9. Subscriptions to be paid at the time of entry. Defaulting Clubs will be reminded and must pay prior to the start of the season.
10. All Clubs not paying levies by the 15th October will be subject to a fine of £10.
11. Two General Meetings shall take place annually, one in March for the distribution of fixtures and registrations. The other to be held at the committeeâ?Ts behest when the rules shall be considered, the balance sheet for the year will be presented and the election of officers for the following year shall take place.
12. Nomination sheets shall be issued to Club secretaries at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting and nominations shall be returned prior to the meeting.
13. The President, Deputy President, League Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Competition Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected for two years, a management committee member shall be elected every two years. Honorary Life Members shall be elected by the General Meeting and shall stand for life.
14. Each Club in membership shall be entitled to send two representatives to the General Meeting which shall include their representative on the management committee. Each Club shall have a vote for each representative present.
15. The accounts of the League shall be audited annually and a printed copy shall be sent to all clubs at least 14 days before the AGM.
16. Club secretaries shall be presented with an agenda of a General Meeting at least fourteen days prior to the date of the Meeting. The League Secretary shall convene an Extraordinary General Meeting at any time on receiving requisition to that effect signed by Secretaries of not less than one third of the Clubs in membership.
17. Any Club in membership or any Management Committee member may give notice of amendment or alteration to the Rules or Match Rules provided it be proposed and seconded by authorised representatives of the Club or Management Committee and be received in writing by the League Secretary at least 21 days prior to the date it is to be brought forward where upon notice shall be given to all Clubs in membership.
18. The Chairman at a General Meeting at which alterations to Rules are considered, shall allow an amendment to the notified amendment provided it be seconded. A clear majority shall decide which shall be considered the notified amendment.
19. Any amendment or alteration to League or Match Rules brought before a General Meeting shall require a two-thirds majority of those voting to be considered carried.
20. No Rule shall be altered except at the Annual General Meeting.
21. At Management Committee Meetings, all members of the Committee, as defined by Rule three, shall be allowed to vote, with the exception of the Chairman who shall be allowed a casting vote only.
22. Names and Addresses of all delegates shall be sent to the League Secretary and any changes notified.
23. All Clubs in dispute must contact the League Secretary where upon a meeting shall be convened to decide the issue
24. Each Club in membership shall be furnished with a copy of the Rules and Match Rules which must be clearly displayed in the clubhouse.
25. Any Club failing to provide a Referee for a competition organised by the League shall be fined Five Pounds (£5.00) at the discretion of the Management Committee.
26. An average prize will be awarded at the end of each season. To qualify for an average prize at the end of a season players should have played not less than 70% of the scheduled matches.
27. Any bowler who qualifies for the Finals of a competition organised by the League and fails to play in the finals, shall be banned from entering that competition for a period of three years, unless there are extenuating circumstances that are acceptable to the Management Committee.
28. Any person or Club not present to receive his Prize Money at the conclusion of any Competition or at a presentation ceremony supported by the League shall forfeit his Prize Money, which shall be donated to the Berry Hey Charity, unless there are extenuating circumstances that are acceptable to the Management Committee.
29. The Management Committee shall be allowed to review and adjust the formula for the calculation of the Berry-Hey Handicaps as they feel necessary.
30. Four Man Team Knock-Out Competition. Players may play for any club which enters the competiton, as long as the players are registered for the League, and have been a member of the club they represent since at least the beginning of the current bowling season.
31. Any Club which withdraws a team from the League after the Secretary has received the entry form shall be liable to a fine of up to £30.00 as determined by the Management Committee. Failure to pay such a fine may jeopardise future entry.
32. All League individual competitions, to be drawn at starting time, on each respective green, and to include only players who are present at the time of the draw.
33. At all finals a Dress Code will apply as laid down in the Competition, Challenge Cup & Match Rules of the YCCGBA. Any player not conforming will not be allowed to compete and will forfeit any prize money.
34. The Management Committee shall decide any point not covered by the above Rules