All League Fixtures are Live. Do not print or produce your own club calendar until All fixtures are confirmed on Monday, January 27th.
1.Each team shall consist of ten players in Divisions 1 to 4, eight players in Divisions 5 & 6 and six players in the Veterans League. All players shall be registered members of the B.C.G.B.A. Where two teams are entered the best five players shall be starred and shall play only on the "A" team. Clubs entering three teams shall double star the best five players and single star the next best five. Double starred players only to play with the "A" team and single starred players only with the "A" or "B" teams. The same progression continues when more than three teams are entered. In teams with fewer than ten players Starring’s shall be in the same ratio. Starring’s shall be from the start of the season and will be in place before the 1st match of the season, with a 2week period in which to amend the Starring’s commencing the 3rd Wednesday in June. The Starring’s will then be fixed until the end of the season. Prior to the next season starting, clubs will have the opportunity to make amendments to the starring of players.
2.Additional players may be registered up to the 1st July. In exceptional circumstances and on written application to the League Secretary, application for transfer of registration to another club may be considered up to 1st July.
On the day of their 60th birthday any bowler is allowed to play in the Veterans League, providing they were registered on or before 1st July. No registration or transfer will be accepted after 1st July.
It will be the responsibility of the 'Club Admin' to ensure players are registered to play League Bowling.
3. Players shall be registered with one club only (Evening League). Clubs wishing to register new players shall complete a registration form giving all relevant information. Once registered with a Club a player will remain registered with that Club until a new registration form is completed and accepted by the League, (see rules 2 & 7).
4. Each Club shall display the list of registered players on a notice board.
5. If two or more teams are tied on points then firstly the number of wins, draws & losses and then the difference in aggregate points shall determine the final positions. A win is awarded to the team with the higher points total.
6. League points shall be awarded as follows:
      a. 1 point for each game won
      b. 2 extra points for aggregate win
Result books/cards must be signed by both captains. Should one captain object he will not sign the book/card, but he must advise the League Secretary within 48 hours of completion of the match of the reason for the objection otherwise the result will stand.
7. All matches shall be numbered. No players shall be allowed to take part in more than one match classified by the same number. Any Club found to be infringing this rule, playing an unregistered player or playing a starred player unlawfully shall have two points deducted from their League total. In addition, the opposing player being awarded the game 21-0 and his team awarded the points accordingly.
8. All games shall be 21 up. Visiting players receive the jack at start of play.
9. The starting time of all the matches shall be 6:45 p.m. except in April, August and September when it shall be 6:30 p.m. Where a club has flood lights the start team may differ by prior approval of both captains. The starting time of the Veteran's League shall be 1:30 p.m. except where clubs have three teams and only one green, when "C" team games will start at 10:30 a.m. In the Evening League ‘C’ teams will play on Friday evenings. The referee at all matches shall make reference to the starting time of each match. The time of the fourth-fifth jack on the green shall be the starting time. The referee shall name the defaulting Club if a late start is made.
10. At least four jacks shall be played at all times after the start of the match until the last players are on the green except for April, August and September when five jacks shall be played at all times, unless the green has floodlights, then providing both captains agree then 4 jacks may be used. This agreement should be made prior to commencement of the match. If due to the absence of a player a game cannot be started whilst a jack is available, the absent player shall be scratched.
11. No player shall play on an opponent’s green within the 24 hours before a match, competitions excepted. This Rule includes home team Club members playing for the opposition. If two or more teams from same Club 24 hours rule still applies.
12. The home team captain shall be the referee, and shall be responsible for inputting the result online no later than 24 hours after the match. If any result is not inputted online within 48 hours then the offending team shall be fined £3.00, unless the opposing captain has inputted the result. Matches are to be verified by the opposing captain no later than 72 hours after the match, otherwise the result will stand.
13. Each Team Captain shall nominate his own team order of play (1 to 10) Eve; (1 to 6) Vets. Teams may substitute absent players at any time during the match (subject to Rule 10). If a team is short of players for any match, the opposing team shall be awarded 1 match point and 21-0 for each player absent. Both teams shall ensure that their match cards are written out and numbered before the commencement of the draw. Once the draw has been completed, with all players present, a substitute player can only be used with the agreement of both captains. However, any team not playing a full team may at the discretion of the Management Committee be requested to replay the match. Any Club not playing a full team may be liable to a minimum fine of £5.00 at the discretion of the Management Committee.
14. Any club failing to bowl a fixture on the date arranged by the Management Committee, unless prior arrangements have been made and the League Secretary notified will be fined at the discretion of the Management Committee. Any Club in the League with more than one team must ensure that "A" team fixtures are played before "B", "C", "D" or "E". No "A" team fixture must be cancelled whilst a lower fixture with the same match number is played. This rule does not apply to matches postponed on the night due to inclement weather. The Home Club shall be responsible for notifying the League Secretary of postponed or re-arranged matches.
15. Postponed or re-arranged matches shall be played on a date fixed by mutual agreement between the Clubs concerned and notification of the re-arranged date must be given to the League Secretary. All outstanding matches shall be played before the date of the last match of the season, unless in exceptional circumstances and with prior agreement with the committee and then within 7 days after the last match of the season.
If the last match of the season is postponed, the match must be played within 7 days. The home Club shall be responsible for notifying the League Secretary of postponed or re-arranged matches.
16. Failure of any Club to comply with the conditions laid down in Rule 15 or to complete all fixtures will be fined £5.00 and may prejudice a Club's continued membership of the League.
17. The laws of the game as interpreted by the B.C.G.B.A. shall govern all League matches.
18. The Management Committee shall decide any point not covered by the above.
19. Commencing January 1978 all jacks used shall have been tested by a British Crown Green official tester every 7 years as laid down by Yorkshire CGBA.
20. The prizes for the section winners shall be of equal value.