All League Fixtures are Live. Do not print or produce your own club calendar until All fixtures are confirmed on Monday, January 27th.
hereinafter to be called The Association. 
RULE 1 The objects of the Association shall be:
a) To promote the game of Bowls in the Sowerby Bridge District.
b) To promote the general interest of the clubs in membership.
c) To assist charitable causes in the Sowerby Bridge District.
The management of the Association shall be in the hands of a Committee consisting
of Officers and Members of the Committee. The Officers shall consist of a President,
Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Competition Secretary
Members of the Committee shall consist of elected delegates from associated clubs.
a) Voting powers shall be vested in the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Competition Secretary and the Management Committee. The President shall not be entitled to vote except in the
event of a tie, in which case his vote shall be the casting vote.
b) In the absence of the President, the Chairman may act in his place but any
occupant of the chair shall not vote except as laid down in Rule 3a.
The association shall be affiliated to the Yorkshire County C.G.B.A. and through them to the British Crown Green C.G.B.A.
The whole of the officers and members of the committee shall be elected at the
Annual General Meeting.
An honorary secretary shall be appointed, whose duties shall be:
a) The secretary shall summon all meetings of the Association and shall attend
b) He shall record the minutes of all such meetings and shall transcribe the minutes
into a book to be called the Minute Book.
c) This book must be produced at the next subsequent meeting to be authenticated
by the Chairman when such minutes are submitted for confirmation.
d) He shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, carry out the
requirements of these rules and of any other rules for the time being in force and he
shall exercise a general supervision.
e) He shall, when relinquishing office, either at his own request or at the request of
the officers and committee, or at any other time - hand to the President all books, papers, vouchers or any other matter being the property of the Association, he shall at the same time, hand to the president any monies or cash in hand.
The competition secretary shall organise and run all competitions of the Association in accordance of the rules of each competition. All results of the competitions shall be entered into the Bowlsnet Website after completion.
The finances of the Association shall be conducted by a treasurer, the duties of the treasurer shall be: -
a) The treasurer shall keep all correct account of monies in proper books, distinguishing the respective sources of such moneys received.
b) He shall pay without delay, into the account of the Association all moneys received by him the property of the Association.
c) He shalt surrender to the President of the Association at any time when called
upon by the officers and committee, all books, accounts, papers, vouchers, cash etc.,
the property of the Association.
d) He shall prepare and produce, prior to the Annual General Meeting, an abstract of
accounts for submission to the duly appointed auditor(s) of the Association.
e) He shall, when relinquishing office, either at his own request or at the request of
the officers and committee or at any other time - hand to the President all books,
papers vouchers or any other matter being the property of the Association, he shall,
at the same time, hand to the President any moneys or cash in hand.
f) He shall have power to withdraw money from the account of the Association only
by having the signature, 2 of 3 of the President, Secretary or Treasurer.
Rule 8
The Association shall receive from all the member clubs an Annual Subscription, the
amount of this subscription, the amount of the subscription shall be determined at
the Annual General Meeting.
An Annual General Meeting of the members of the Association shall be held on an
agreed date.
A Special General Meeting of the Association must be held at any time within 14 days
of a signed requisition for the same being handed to the Secretary, this requisition
bearing not less than two-thirds of the total number of signatures of the Officers and
committee combined.
This Special General Meeting shall have all the powers of the Annual General
Meeting, including the power to call upon any officer of the Association to resign
without reason being asked or given.
Any request for a Special General Meeting must be in the hands of the Secretary at
least 21 days before such meeting can be held, the Secretary must notify each
member club at least 14 days before any such meeting, this notification must state
the proposed business to be discussed at any such meeting.
The Association shall promote, organise, arrange and offer prizes for any competition
on the Handicap or Merit principle. In the event of a handicap competition all marks
shall be at the absolute discretion of the Handicapping Sub-Committee.
At least one auditor shall be elected from the Annual General Meeting. The auditor
shall examine and certify as correct all papers, accounts, books and cash in the
hands of the Treasurer.
The ownership of the Association trophies:
a) The Rose Bowl.
b) The Harold Clay Cup.
c) The Percy Carter Cup.
d) The George Parkin Men’s Pairs.
e) The Michael Telford Memorial Trophy.
f) The David Telford Champion of Champions.
g) The John Blackburn Youth Trophy.
h) 2nd Division Trophy.
i) 3rd Division Trophy.
j) The Kevin Gibson Trophy.
k) The A & B Trophy
l) The Russell dean Trophy
Shall be vested in the names of the President and Chairman
In the event of a winding up of the Association, the trophies, see Rule 15, shall
remain in the possession of the last President as guarantor in perpetuity for the
defunct Association.
No new rule or alteration of any existing rule shall be made except at the Annual
General Meeting or at any Special General Meeting, and any member wishing to
amend, add or to rescind any of these rules, must send notice in writing of the
proposed amendment, alteration, or rescission to the Secretary at least 14 days prior
to the meeting at which the proposal is to be brought forward.
The Secretary is then required to notify all member clubs at least 7 days before the
date of the meeting, this notification shall state the proposed business to be brought
The Association shall, if they wish, make a payment of an honorarium to the
Secretary, Competition Secretary and Treasurer, such honorarium must be the subject of a resolution at the
Annual General Meeting.
No player shall be debarred from playing, on any green organised by any Bowling
Authority within 1 day of any similarly organised game; he shall, if he voluntarily
plays on any Green within 1 day of any organised game, render himself liable to
suspension from play in any such organised game.
This liability to suspension does not apply to any player who shall use his own Green
during said day 1, he being at the time a bone-fide member of that club.
This rule only applies to games within the jurisdiction of the Sowerby Bridge
The President is an ex-officio member of any Committee or Sub-committee formed to
deal with any of the affairs of the Association.
The Sowerby Bridge C.G.B.A. League Competition.
a) This competition shall consist of as many divisions as determined by the
Management Committee, dependant on the number of teams entered by clubs.
b) Each club with more than 1 team, competing in the league Competition must
submit to the Secretary of the Association at the time of registration, a list of 4
starred players. These 4 starred players, shall not, in any circumstances, play in the
second team, either in the course of the season or in the final play-offs if required.
c) Starrings can be changed at any time during the season at the discretion of the
Management Committee.
d) Each club should pay a registration fee for each member registered, said fee to be agreed at the Annual General meeting.
I) Each evening league team shall consist of 8 male or female players. Except for the Veteran League where each team consists of 6 players of both male and females. A list of names in alphabetical
order together with number of teams shall be sent to the Secretary, on or
before the Ist February each year.
ii) In the event of a tie in any section the winners shall be decided by the
number of wins achieved. In the event of wins being equal, a playoff shall
take place on a neutral green.
iii) All matches shall be numbered. No player shall be allowed to take part in
more than one match classified by the same number. Any club found to be
infringing this rule, or playing an unregistered player, shall have two points
deducted from their league total. The offending player to be treated as
iv) All games shall be 21 up. Cards will be numbered. The visiting players
shall receive the jack.
v) The home or away team captain or club secretaries shall be responsible for inputting or verifying the result onto the Bowlsnet Web site
The home team shall be the referee
The signed result card should be kept until the result is input and verified by both Captains or club secretaries, within 7 days of the fixture being played.
Failure to do so will result in a fine of £5 to the home club.
vi) Result cards must be signed by both captains. Should one captain object
to the result he will not sign the card, but must advise the League within 48
hours of the completion of the match of the reason for his objection.
otherwise the result will stand.
vii) Captains shall exchange teams prior to the commencement of the match
and then the draw be made. Teams may substitute absent players at
anytime during the match (subject to rule 13). If a team is short of players
for any match, the opposing team shall be awarded 21-0 for each player
viii) No player shall play on an opponent’s green within 24 hours of a match,
competitions excepted. This rule includes home team club members playing
for the opposition.
ix) Additional players may be registered up to the Ist June provided they
have not played for another club in the league that season.
x) The prizes for the section winners shall be equal value.
xi) Each club shall display the list of registered players on a notice board.
xii) The Sowerby Bridge League shall have preference to Tuesday for
league bowling, failure to play on a Tuesday will result in the defaulting team
being fined and the fixture re-arranged at the Management Committees
xiii) Matches shall commence at the time stated on the fixture list. At least 4
jacks shall be played at all times until the last players are on the green. If
due to the absence of a player a game cannot be started whilst a jack is
available, the absent player shall be scratched.
xiv) The laws of the game as interpreted by the B.C.G.B.A. shall govern at
all matches. The Management Committee shall decide any point not covered
by the above.
xv) Players registered with more than one club shall, after appearing in the
league for one of the clubs, automatically have his registration cancelled with
all clubs for that season.
xvi) In the event of clubs in any division finishing level on points, either at
the top or the bottom of the division, a playoff shall be arranged, where
possible, on a neutral green. See rule 21e(ii).
xvii) The Association shall raise a levy to be agreed at the Annual General
Meeting from each player for all League Matches.
a) Any bona-fide member of any member club of the Association shall be entitled to
enter this competition.
b) The finals of this competition shall, if possible, be played on a neutral green.
c) A handicapping sub-committee shall be formed to handicap entrants in this
competition. This handicapping sub-committee shall consist of one member from
each of any three member clubs with the addition of the Chairman, Secretary and
Treasurer, a total of 6 members, one from each of 6 clubs, the President having the
casting vote in the event of a tie.
This one member from each of the member clubs does not necessarily mean a
member of the Association committee, he may be any member of any club
membership. His permission must be obtained before he is nominated.
d) This handicapping sub-committee shall be formed at the Annual General Meeting.
e) The association shall make an entrance fee payable from entrants in this
f) The Association shall award prizes to the finalise in this competition, they shall
also award the Roberts Rose Bowl to the winner, the trophy to be held by him for
one year.
a) This competition shall be on the Merit principle.
b) Any bona-fide member of any member club of the Association shall be entitled to
enter this competition.
c) The venue of the final of this competition shall be decided exactly as laid down in
Rule 22(b).
d) The Association shall make an entrance fee payable from entrants in this
e) The Association shall award prizes to the finalists in this competition, they shall
also award the PERCY CARTER TROPHY to the winner, the trophy to be held by him
for one year.
a) The competition shall be open to all clubs affiliated to the Association.
b) each club shall nominate a bowler to represent their club.
c) The competition shall be played, where possible, on one day. The venue of the
competition shall be at the discretion of the Management Committee.
d) Bowlers competing in the competition on the green of a club to which they are
members, shall be penalised 3 — 2 and 1 point.
e) All games shall be 21 up.
a) The competition shall be open to members registered with the same club,
affiliated to the Sowerby Bridge C.G.B.A.
b) Games shall be 15 up.
c) In the event of one of the nominated pair being unable to play, a substitute may
be entered prior to the Ist round. On completion of the Ist round no further
substitutions may take place.
a) The competition shall be open to male members registered with the Association
together with a female partner.
b) The male partners name must appear on the sheet first.
c) In the event of one of the nominated pair being unable to play, a substitute may
be entered prior to the Ist round. On completion of the Ist round no further substitutions may take place.
d) Games shall be 15 up.
e) Either partner shall be allowed to lead the jack.
f) The Final Rounds of the Competition shall be played at Hill Crest B, C.
g) Trophies will be given to all finalists.
a) Any male bowler residing within the Calderdale boundary who shall be under
19 years of age on the closing date for entries.
b) All players shall play off a handicap, as determined by the handicapping
c) All games shall be 21 up.
d) In the event of a bowler competing on his own green in the final rounds 3 - 2 -
and 1 point shall be deducted from his handicap.
All other rules shall be the same as with other competitions under the jurisdiction of
the Sowerby Bridge C.G.B.A.
RULE 28 Four Person Team Knock out Rules.
1) This competition is open to clubs in membership of the Association.
 2) There is no limit to the number of teams a club may enter, providing members of
every team are registered players of that club for league bowling.
3) Only players registered to bowl in the league on the Ist June each year will be
eligible for the competition.
4) No player may be registered with more than one team.
5) Four players will constitute a team, but up to six players may be registered per
6) Games will be played on neutral greens
7) League handicaps will apply.
8) Games will be 21 up. Handicap points shall be added to the score.
9) Before the start of the game, Captains should exchange teams, then opponents
shall be drawn.
10) If after the draw is made, a team has to play a substitute, the substitute will
play off his own handicap or the handicap of the player for whom he has substituted,
whichever is the lower.
11) In the event of a tie, the game will be replayed before the date of the next
round. All four players to be redrawn. The League Secretary should be informed of
the arrangements.
12) All games to be played on the scheduled date. Postponements due to bad
weather must be played before the date of the next round and the League Secretary
13) The result should be commutated to the Secretary or the Competition Secretary,
who will input the result into the Bowlsnet Website.
Failure to do so within 48Hours will result in a fine of £5 to the winning club.
Should one captain object to the result he must advise the Secretary or the Competition Secretary within 48 hours of the completion of the match otherwise the result will stand.
14) Referees to be provided by the host club.
15) The laws of the game, as interpreted by the B.C.G.A.B.A.
16) The Management Committee shall decide any point not covered by the above
Applicable to all competitions under the jurisdiction of the Sowerby Bridge C.G.B.A.
Failure of a bowler to attend the final day of a competition, shall, at the
a) discretion of the Management Committee, result in said bowler being banned from all
Association Competitions for a period of 3 years "
b) Should any bowler fail to attend the final day, or leave the final day, prior to the
presentation, his prize money (at the discretion of the Management Committee) shall be withheld.