All League Fixtures are Live. Do not print or produce your own club calendar until All fixtures are confirmed on Monday, January 27th.


Halifax Senior Ladies (Where the rules differ they will be in brackets and bold)
1. The name of the league shall be the Yorkshire County Parks Bowling Association Ladies League
(Halifax Senior Ladies)
2. The object of the league shall be to organise league bowling for clubs affiliated to the Yorkshire Parks Bowling Assn. (Ladies Section) (Halifax Senior Ladies) who shall be admitted at a full meeting of the league
3. The laws of the game as interpreted by the British Crown Green Bowling Assn. (and Y.P.B.A.) govern all league matches
4. The teams shall consist of EIGHT (SIX) ladies. Captain and Vice Captain can be reserves on the day and still carry out their duties. No lady is allowed to bowl for more than one club during any one season.
5. Where a club has two or more teams then the higher team(s) shall have a full complement of players. In the event of eight (SIX) players not being available for the lower or only team one shall be allowed to play twice but only in 25% of the total number of matches. Teams infringing this rule will forfeit the redrawn match 21-0 to the opposing player.
6. In the case of ladies playing twice they shall be handicapped 3 behind scratch on the home green and 2 behind scratch on the away green.
7. In the event of under 7 (5) players being available the offending team shall concede 21 points for every absentee.
8. Any club with two teams in the same division shall play each other the first two matches.
9. Said club to star by naming 50% of the higher team(s) who shall then not be able to play on any lower team.
10. All matches to be numbered. No player being allowed to play in more than one match classified by the same number. Any team infringing this rule to lose 2 points from their league total and, in addition the opposing player to be awarded 21-0. Two teams to be promoted from Div. 2 and two teams relegated from Div.1 unless restructuring is required which shall be decided at the Annual General Meeting.
11. No player must be allowed more than two opportunities to place their jack in a position where a game is in
progress thus hold up their game for the sole purpose of playing a “favourite” mark (Bye-law of YCP League 1976).
12. Each club is responsible for submitting a list of their averages to the Secretary and it is understood that these can be taken by the Secretary as a correct record from which the average list can be compiled. 70% of games have to be played to qualify for an average. (not now applicable as website work these out)
13. In adverse weather conditions the home team captain has the final decision on whether or not to postpone the match provided the greens man will permit bowling on the green. Postponed matches shall be played on a date fixed by mutual agreement between the clubs concerned and shall be played as near as possible to the original date.
14. Matches once started must be finished if at all possible but in the event of a green becoming unplayable completed games must stand and the match resumed with outstanding games to be played on as early a date as possible. The home team captain has the final say (subject to the green keepers assent). Any team refusing to play must concede the points
15. If the green is not in good condition when visitors arrive the visiting captain can elect to postpone the match.
16. Matches to be played on Tuesday (Friday) afternoons and start at 2.00pm (1.30pm) prompt. A different start time can be agreed upon. No games to be played before the start of the season and matches to be played
‘home’ and ‘away’ on consecutive weeks (all teams play each other once they play them again in the same order).
17. Two matches cannot be played on the home green on any one day.
18. Practicing on match days by the home team is allowed.
19. No player is allowed to practice on an opponents green within 7 days of a match (competitions and other leagues matches excepted). This rule includes home green players playing for the opposition unless there are two teams in one club when only 24 hours should apply.
20. The penalty for infringement of Rule 19 is that player(s) concerned shall forfeit the game and lose 21 points – no reserve being allowed to take her place.
21. The home team captain to be the referee.
22. Ladies to have a choice if string or metal tape measures. If the two ladies disagree the home team bowler shall have the final decision. Only team and reserves allowed to measure.
23. The system of scoring will be:- Each player who wins will receive one point. The team with the highest aggregate will receive two points – one point each for a drawn aggregate. A drawn match will be when each team scores 5 points regardless of how they are arrived at.
24. Method of drawing for partners – Bowling cards to be numbered prior to the draw by both home and away teams, the corresponding numbers playing each other. If a redraw is necessary it should take place prior to numbering the cards. The redrawn bowler to play at No.1 and No.8 (6). If a player does not arrive due to illness, a reserve or redrawn bowler can play provided this is done before the first four jacks leave the green.
25. Cards must be checked every 5 ends. In the event of a disagreement the score at the last agreed check will stand.
26. League results shall be available at any time during the season.
27. In the event of a match not being played a meeting will be called to decide where the fault lies and to allocate the points accordingly. In the event of any disagreement, protests should be made in writing and sent to the Secretary in September for inclusion on the agenda of the AGM.
28. No rule shall be altered except at the AGM. Any club in membership may give notice of amendment or alteration to match rules provided it is proposed and seconded by authorised representatives of clubs and shall be received in writing by the Secretary at least 21 days prior to the AGM whereupon notice shall be given to all member clubs.
29. Any club wishing to withdraw from the league must notify the Secretary before 30th.September.
30. Any member club may attend the AGM of the Yorkshire County Crown Green Bowling Assn. to which this association is affiliated and to no other body.
31. The annual subscription is £15 per team. League winners to receive £20 and league average winners to receive £10 in prize money. In the event of a tie for top average, each to receive £10
32. In the event of a tie on points the winner of a division will be the team who has won most matches. If this is also drawn then the team that has won the most aggregate points shall win. If this is still drawn it shall be given to the team with the least aggregate points against.
33. A list of all players stating name and BCG no. must be given to the Secretary before the start of each season.
34. No-one will be allowed to play unless so registered. Names may be added at any time during the season.
35. The minimum age of a player is 14 (59) years.
36. The Secretary must be informed of re-arranged matches, in writing.
37. NO SMOKING allowed on the green during a match
38. A £5 fine will be levied on any club not attending league meetings.
39. If there is an odd number of teams in the league, the greater number will be placed in the 1st division
40. A team cannot change greens during the bowling season unless evidence is provided stating that the green is unfit to play on.
41. The position of Chairlady at League meetings will be taken from each club in alphabetical order. The chairlady to be in office for one year. (Chairlady to be appointed at AGM)
42. The Annual General Meeting will decide any point not covered by the above rules.