****************************************** Hi ALL All fixtures are now confirmed Monday, January 27th. ******************************************

Communication from Joint CEO’s  YCCGBA    Date   23.10.20 

Audience : Districts:   Please forward to all Leagues and Clubs In your area:

Covid 19   Update following new Government announcement

 In addition to the phase three guidance we now have the ‘Tier’ system to deal with,  Districts/clubs running winter leagues etc should pay particular attention to the guidance issued which is on the Sport England Link below


The YCCGBA Executive are being requested to make decisions on specific situations that clubs and districts are encountering, it is sometimes very difficult to give definitive answers, we therefore would suggest you refer to the current guidelines for your area on the various government and local authority websites.

Good practice going forward would be for any club running events to use the NHS track and Trace system and display the QR code that is available, the link for a QR poster is below


Whilst it would be difficult to enforce 100% we actively encourage you to use this system, for bowlers and visitor who do not have the facility to check in on this system you need to ensure you have their correct details, (I.E are their phone details correct?  There have been some instances where incorrect phone numbers have been given either deliberately or mistakenly, it is better to have too much information rather than wrong information).


Sport England Funding

Whilst not available to everyone there is another fund from Sport England for Grants in getting people back to sport.

We will leave it up to you to decide if you qualify we are just providing the link.



YCCGBA will be holding a top table meeting in the next few weeks to discuss next season and a few other topics we will communicate this to districts in due course.  Mark Waite has done a lot of preparation for next years calendar and we hope to publish a provisional (We think everything will be provisional ) list by Mid Novmeber.

The response from Districts regarding ZOOM/Team virtual meetings was disappointing, thank you to those who did reply we will discuss this at our next top table meeting.

Please stay safe and keep well

S N Cochrane  D Alan Stephenson Joint interim CEO YCCGBA