Communication from Joint CEO’s YCCGBA Date 30.11.20
Audience : Districts to forward to clubs and Associations
Winter Bowling
Following the governments announcement regarding lockdown expiry and the new tier system.
Coronavirus directions from 2-16 December.
We expect most if not all of you are aware of the Government's directives for Coronavirus which come into force on the completion of the present lockdown on Wednesday 2 December. N Yorkshire clubs are in Tier 2 where restrictions are less onerous than in Tier 3 where all West Yorkshire clubs are situated.
In Tier 2 crown green bowling can take place providing the usual safeguarding measures are in place and YCCGBA has approved a safeguarding plan for the location of this bowling.
In Tier 3 crown green bowling is affected by 2 of the recent directives -
people can meet on outdoor sports facilities but must be socially distanced and with no more than 6 people forming a group, organised outdoor sport can continue but high risk contact activity should be avoided.
YCCGBA's interpretation of these directives is that you may bowl subject to the above, providing a safeguarding plan for the location of this bowling has been approved by YCCGBA, but it is an individual's decision whether or not the crown green bowling activity they wish to participate in meets the above directions. If they believe that it does then they are free to bowl.
These restrictions are in force until 16 December and if amended for a period following this date then YCCGBA will issue further advice.
Stay safe.
S N Cochrane D Alan Stephenson Joint interim CEO YCCGBA