We have some great news we will be able to get Back to Bowling from Monday 29th March under covid 19 guidelines. All clubs have received information packs detailing the Back to Bowls guidance
Format of Play
Organised sport (League Matches)
Singles – 4 jacks permitted if required
Pairs – 3 jacks permitted
League Matches - Team Players permitted
Informal activity
The ‘rule of six’ applies OR two households
Sessions should be booked with the club
We will now be able to run all the competitions in April/May and start the Leagues as planed w/c 17th May.
Example of a risk Assessment form which at the
moment needs completing. Before any Bowling takes
place at your Bowling Club
I have just had notice of the Yorkshire Junior trials is to be held at Pudsey Bowling Club which is for any Junior under the age of 18.
The Trials will initially be held on April 11th, or 9th May 10am dependent on the current situation.
If you have any Junior at you club who would like to take part then please contact me or Richard Pilling for more details. via the contact form
British Crown Green Bowling Association
British Crown Green Bowling Association Fees 2021
I have been asked to write to you following the recent BCGBA Executive meeting regarding the fees for 2021. The rules of the Association indicate a fee of £35-00 being the annual fee payable by Member Clubs.
The BCGBA Executive committee is not able to alter the fee without a rule change at the Annual General Meeting, so the fee therefore remains at £35-00. However, following analysis of the current financial position and to help struggling clubs we have agreed to subsidise the fee for 2021.
Member clubs who have paid the fee for 2020 (to be confirmed by Members Counties by 31st January) will therefore have a subsidy in 2021.
Clubs who have not paid the 2020 fee to their County association by this date will not be able to take advantage of the subsidy and must pay full fees for both 2020 and 2021. Clubs who have not paid will remain on the suspended list until the fee for 2020 and 2021 is paid and will not be able to enter any competitive bowling until this has been paid.
Member Clubs who have paid the 2020 fees in full, will pay just £20-00 in 2021 adding up to a total of £55-00 over the 2 years in question. This £20-00 must be paid in accordance with normal County Association collection methods and submitted to BCGBA as per the rules.
Many thanks,
Mark Bircumshaw (On behalf of the Executive Committee)
5th January 2021