Communication from Joint CEO’s YCCGBADate 05/01/2021
Happy New Year to all
Target Audience All Districts
There is no Council meeting this Saturday 9thJanuary 2021 but he executive Teams meeting will be going ahead
Target Audience All Districts Leagues and Clubs
Following the latest Government directive regarding a National Lockdown as from today the YCCGBA advice to all clubs and bowlers is as follows :
1. While the Government direction is that you may leave home to exercise once per day either on your own or with one other person or with your household or support bubble you must not travel outside your local area to do so. Your local area is defined as the village, town or part of the city where you live.
2. Theoretically you could have a game of single bowls providing all social distancing and wearing of masks rules etc. are followed. However this is not advised.
3. Team/competition bowling is not possible under the new directions.
4. The Government directions are enforceable by law.
5.YCCGBA is not responsible for the actions of individuals but our advice to all is to not bowl under any circumstances. The health and wellbeing of yourselves and other bowlers is of utmost importance at this critical time.
Stay safe.
S.Cochrane/A.Stephenson Acting Joint YCCGBA CEOs.
Keep Safe and Well
Communication from Joint CEO’s YCCGBA Date 30.11.20
Audience : Districts to forward to clubs and Associations
Winter Bowling
Following the governments announcement regarding lockdown expiry and the new tier system.
Coronavirus directions from 2-16 December.
We expect most if not all of you are aware of the Government's directives for Coronavirus which come into force on the completion of the present lockdown on Wednesday 2 December. N Yorkshire clubs are in Tier 2 where restrictions are less onerous than in Tier 3 where all West Yorkshire clubs are situated.
In Tier 2 crown green bowling can take place providing the usual safeguarding measures are in place and YCCGBA has approved a safeguarding plan for the location of this bowling.
In Tier 3 crown green bowling is affected by 2 of the recent directives -
people can meet on outdoor sports facilities but must be socially distanced and with no more than 6 people forming a group, organised outdoor sport can continue but high risk contact activity should be avoided.
YCCGBA's interpretation of these directives is that you may bowl subject to the above, providing a safeguarding plan for the location of this bowling has been approved by YCCGBA, but it is an individual's decision whether or not the crown green bowling activity they wish to participate in meets the above directions. If they believe that it does then they are free to bowl.
These restrictions are in force until 16 December and if amended for a period following this date then YCCGBA will issue further advice.
Stay safe.
S N Cochrane D Alan Stephenson Joint interim CEO YCCGBA
Link to Justgiving
Communication from Joint CEO’s YCCGBA Date 24.11.20
Audience : Districts to forward to clubs
Grants and Funds
The government sponsored business grant fund should be available from your local council. It is open to clubs who have a rateable value and have had to CLOSE in the latest lockdown.
You have to apply and confirm that you have suffered because of the lockdown, we would suggest if you normally would be closed in the period of the lockdown, you should check that your club is eligible to receive the grant. Our understanding is the authorities will be checking eligibility. Remember this grant is for businesses affected by the lockdown.
Sport England
The return to play fund is open again link below
Winter Leagues
Following the announcement from HM Government of the lifting of the lockdown from December we will communicate the guidelines for the running of winter leagues in the next few days, especially moving between tiers as this has been a hot topic in the phone calls/messages we have received.
The underlying message is common sense should be used
Keep safe everyone
S N Cochrane D Alan Stephenson Joint interim CEO YCCGBA
Hello Everyone,
Another change in restrictions from Thursday 5 November. Having read these we are of the opinion that there is no way crown green bowling can take place within a safe environment and, in consultation with the BCGBA, we are directing clubs/players to stop crown green bowling from Thursday 5 November 2020.
We appreciate this may cause disruption to ongoing winter leagues, club competitions ( internal and open) and casual bowling but our view is that the health and safety of our members is of paramount importance and overrides other considerations.
When these restrictions are lifted/amended we shall issue further directions.
In the meantime all stay safe.
D.A.Stephenson/S.Cochrane Joint Acting YCCGBA CEOs.